It is a collection of permanent rules and triggers that outline key functions for operations throughout the decentralized applications built utilizing The Muse Protocol. The Muse Protocol is the foundation of the Muse Ecosystem. Never before has it been possible to break new aspiring artists into the spotlight with something as simple as a few creative works, and pure as the proof of drive to succeed with it. Muse Protocol becomes the artists MPDRR Solution and integrates the consumer into every possible aspect of the artists development. This extremely unnecessary diversification of tasking is solved with the implementation of the Muse Protocol, and creates more efficiency and true avenues for earning for both artist and listener. Wrap this into as simple terms as possible the current music business is outdated, outpaced, and extremely behind on any type of innovation of the business model.
The segregation between Marketing, Publishing, Distribution, Recording, and Royalties (MPDRR) creates major inefficiencies that drastically reduce the profit margin for the artist and raises the cost for the listener.
Current platforms used to collect and distribute Digital Royalties are costly, inefficient, non-transparent, and deliver no means of collaboration between artist and listener to create true value for creative works.